Put Your Savings Account To Work

A Savings Account with Copper State CU establishes your membership. Along with having a Savings Account, you'll also receive incredible and individualized customer service. Keep saving or use the earnings for your next adventure!

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Earn Regular Dividends
Grow your money at a steady rate while earning regular dividends.
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24/7 Account Access
With free online and mobile banking, access your account from anywhere.
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Low Balance Requirement
Copper State Credit Union only requires a $5 minimum savings account balance.
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No Restrictions
You can have peace of mind whenever you need to deposit or withdraw cash.
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How Much Should You Save
Aim to save three to six months worth of expenses in your emergency fund.

Savings Account Rates

Put money aside for your emergency fund or your next adventure!
Savings Account Rates
Share Type
Dividend Rate
Annual Percentage Yield (APY)
Share Type
Savings Accounts
Dividend Rate
Annual Percentage Yield (APY)
Share Type
Youth Accounts
Dividend Rate
Annual Percentage Yield (APY)
Effective February 1, 2025

Minimum $5.00 deposit is required to open a Savings Account. Rates are subject to change after the account is opened. Fees may reduce earnings on the account.

Start Your Application Here

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Youth Savings Account

  • Joint Membership

    Joint membership for parents or guardians who are members is a great way to monitor new savings and spending habits.

  • Low Balance Requirement

    A low $5 minimum balance requirement is all it takes to maintain our Youth Savings Account.

  • Great Foundation

    Children under the age of 18 can benefit from this account by learning how to save and manage their own money.

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It's Never Too Early To Start Smart Habits
Part of being invested in our communities is making a commitment to our youth. Starting them on the right foot to financial success begins with teaching them financial responsibility and smart savings habits. Our Youth Savings Account is the perfect place to start.
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The Best Savings Account

The Right Savings Account For You

Opening your Savings Account or your child's Youth Share Savings Account with Copper State Credit Union establishes your membership with us. What does being a member mean? 

In addition to great Savings Account rates and dividends on deposits, competitive rates on loans and local attentive service, it means we are partners. We will be by your side every step of the way and help you to navigate each stage of life, while you set and reach your financial goals.

We value our members, our member-families and the families in our communities. When we strengthen and support each other, we all succeed.

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Ways To Use Your Savings Account

  • Emergency Savings

    There's no better time to start planning for the unexpected. Save three to six months worth of expenses to be prepared.

  • Rainy Day Fund

    Doing the things that make us smile with those we care about most, is what life is all about. Save now so you can create memories later.

  • Holiday Savings

    Have a stress-free holiday season this year by saving a little extra each month. It's easy, free and you'll thank yourself later.

  • Your Next Adventure

    Start saving for your next vacation, car or new hobby. Build your balances now so you are ready when the time is right.

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Free 24/7 Online And Mobile Banking
Our online tools allow you to manage your money, pay bills, transfer funds and so much more from anywhere!
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Prepare For The Journey

Our Savings Accounts Are Your Solution

No matter where you are on life's journey, Copper State CU makes it simple to save. If you are looking forward to your next exciting purchase or are stashing away some funds for an unplanned emergency, our Savings Account is a great tool to prepare you for what lies ahead.

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Savings Account
Kathleen F.

Staff is very attentive to member needs. They make time to listen and answer all questions in a very relaxed manner.

All levels of staff from tellers to managers take the time, smile and are friendly towards customers.

It is a true pleasure, especially in these times in the world today to find this top notch customer service. Keep up the great job!

Have A Question?

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I have more than one Savings Account?

Yes! You can open as many savings accounts as you need. You can also rename savings accounts for easier access within online banking.

Is there a minimum opening balance for a Savings Account?

At Copper State Credit Union, we make it easy for our Arizona members to build their savings with a low $5 minimum balance requirement.

What does APY stand for on the rates table?

The official APY definition is the interest rate (‘rate of return’) on a deposit account based on a compounding period of one year. The simple definition of APY is the total amount of interest received after leaving your funds in the account for one year.

What are the qualifications to open a Savings Account?

You are eligible to open a Savings Account if you meet these qualifications


Ultimate Budget Plan

ltimate Budget Plan to Save You Time and Free Your Money
Make Your Money Work for You!

Start saving for your next adventure with confidence, knowing your monthly budget is on track.

Included in the free eBook:
  1. What is a Zero Balance Budget Plan
  2. Find Your Financial Goals
  3. Before Starting Your Budget Plan
  4. Add Up Net Income
  5. Tally Spending [Expenses] and Categorize
  6. Quick Budget Plan Calculation 
  7. How to Make Monthly Budget Plan Adjustments 
  8. Mistakes to Avoid

Get your free copy now!