Your Tax Return Pre-Game

Filing taxes1 can be intimidating—but not when you have a game plan. In this Coach session, learn the basics of filing your taxes, and how key factors like filing status, deductions and credits influence what you owe (or get back)!

To begin, select Get Started. 🙌

Now That You're A Tax Pro...

> Live in Arizona? 🌄🌵

Arizona is a great state to live in, and one of the reasons is the amazing opportunity we have each and every year to contribute to charitable organizations instead of paying state taxes. Check out our article - 4 Most Popular Arizona Tax Credits: A Visual Guide for more information. 

> Did you receive a tax refund this year? 🤑💵

Most individuals will place their tax refund in their savings account thinking that's the best place for a large sum of money. How would you like to earn more money without lifting a finger? With our High-Yield Savings Account2 you can easily do that. When your balance reaches the next tier, you automatically begin earning at a higher interest rate.


1 This is not intended as a guide for the preparation of tax returns, nor should it be construed as legal, accounting or tax advice. This coach calculator is for informational purposes only and its use does not guarantee an extension of credit.

2 Dividend rates are subject to change after the account is opened. Fees may reduce earnings on the account.