Why our website didn't recognize you as a member...

If the homepage of our website didn't recognize you as a member, it could be for one of the following reasons:

  • You're viewing the site from a new, or different computer or device,
  • We don't have an updated email address on file for you, or
  • You've blocked cookies on your browser preventing us from seeing it's you.

The Copper State Credit Union website uses cookies and other similar technologies to improve your browsing experience and the functionality of our site. If you'd like to allow cookies for the Copper State CU website, please adjust your browser settings.

We also urge you to read our Privacy Policy to better understand how we maintain our site, and how we may collect and use visitor data.

If you would like to update your membership status with the Copper State CU website, please complete this form. If you allow cookies from the Copper State CU website and complete this form, you'll be able to see website content that's just for members!

**Completing this form does not make you a member of Copper State Credit Union, it simply changes your online experience.

Update Your Website Experience to the Member Experience Here: