Dispute And Report Debit Card Fraud:

  • Call 623.580.6000 And Select Option 3

    If you suspect fraudulent activity or need a new debit card due to it being lost or stolen:

  • Dispute Or Debit Card Support

    For cardholder support, please call 623.580.6000 and press option 3.

  • Audio PIN Change

    To change your PIN, please dial 623.580.600 and select option 3. Debit cardholders will need to know their current PIN in order to change it.

man working in a cafe on his cellphone
When Will My New Card Arrive?
Once a new debt card has been ordered, expect your new card to arrive within 7-10 business days. Be sure to select a brand new personalized PIN to help keep your debit card safe!
man on cell phone holding bike
Our priority is keeping your information safe

Fighting Fraud

We are partners when it comes to fighting debit card fraud. Our priority is keeping your information safe. 

We use an array of risk management services, tools and resources to help ensure the safety of your debit card. Specifically, we monitor account activity, identify trends, work to reduce or restrict activity and reissue cards, when needed.

Have questions? Please contact us, we are always here to help!


Ultimate Budget Plan

Ultimate Budget Plan to Save You Time and Free Your Money
Create a Simple Budget That Works For You!

It's easier than you think to create a monthly budget and stay on track.

Included in the free eBook:
  1. What is a Zero Balance Budget Plan
  2. Find Your Financial Goals
  3. Before Starting Your Budget Plan
  4. Add Up Net Income
  5. Tally Spending [Expenses] and Categorize
  6. Quick Budget Plan Calculation 
  7. How to Make Monthly Budget Plan Adjustments 
  8. Mistakes to Avoid

Get your free copy now!