Digital Wellness Assessment

Examining your digital wellness allows you to take a hard look at how technology is impacting your life. This assessment quizzes you on four areas: physical health, intellectual health, mental health and social health. You’ll get an idea of how you’re doing and tips to improve the areas that need a bit more attention.

This coach/calculator is for informational purposes only and its use does not guarantee an extension of credit.

Take a break from technology.

> Live Life and Embrace New Experiences! 🚲🌳

Are you a spontaneous person? Can you never say "NO" to an adventure? Well then you'll love our 6 Types of Mountain Bikes + 3 Types of Daredevils You'll See Riding Them. Maybe it's time for a new hobby.

> Arizona the Beautiful. 🌄🕶️

Not only is Arizona famous for its blazing hot summers—but we also have some of the most beautiful mountains, canyons and deserts in the country. Whether you are an Arizona native or you’re stopping by from out of town, try out any of these 5 scenic Arizona vacations that will leave you speechless.